MAN-10 Creating and editing items in Ketryx

Manual for creating and editing items in Ketryx

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

The purpose of this manual is to instruct users on how to create and edit items in Ketryx and what the limitations are.

1.2. Scope

The scope of this manual is the management of items within Ketryx. Items from external sources other than Jira, as well as Xray items, are not covered by this feature.

2. Item creation

A new item can be created by selecting a relevant item type in the Create item dropdown on the All items page. The options listed in the dropdown are active release item types. Please note that at the moment the following types are not supported: Custom, Test plan and Test execution. When selecting Risk in the Create item dropdown, the User is redirected to the Risk form, in the other cases - to the general item form.

To disable item creation, the Allow item creation flag should be set to No in the project item configuration. By default, the Allow item creation flag is enabled. More info on the Advanced project settings.

2.1. Item form for creating items

To create an item, at least the Title field must be filled in.

3. Item editing

There are 2 ways to access the item form for editing: via the All items page or Record details page.

On the All items page, the Edit item button is displayed when one item is selected in the table.

On the Record details page, the Edit item button is displayed in the header.

Only the current record of an item can be edited, provided it has not been deleted and is not a Test plan, Document, Vulnerability, or Xray item. Additionally, only items sourced from either Ketryx or Jira are supported for editing at the moment.

Clicking the Edit item button redirects to the Risk form in case it is a risk item, and to the general item form in the other cases.

To disable item editing, the Allow item editing flag should be set to No in the project item configuration. By default, the Allow item editing flag is enabled. More info on the Advanced project settings.

3.1. Item form for editing items

The form is disabled if the Allow item editing flag is set to No, or if the item is deleted, a Test plan, Document, Vulnerability, Xray item, or from a source other than Ketryx or Jira. Additionally, if the item is in a resolved or controlled state and the Allow item transition flag is set to No, editing is also restricted.

4. Item form limitations

4.1. Jira rich-text formatting

Jira provides extensive rich-text formatting capabilities, which apply to all the relevant item fields. However, not all formatting capabilities map seamlessly to Ketryx.

The following formatting functionality is supported within a rich-text field in Ketryx:

  • Paragraphs

  • Ordered / Unordered lists

  • Basic inline formatting such as bold, italic, or inline code

The following formatting options are not supported on Ketryx's side:

  • Tables

  • Inline images and other attachments

  • Font colors

  • Strikethrough

  • Code blocks

  • Title headers

  • Info/warning/error boxes

  • @ mentions for users and Jira tickets

  • Emojis

  • Dates

  • States

  • … and other similar complex constructs

When editing a rich-text field containing unsupported format, a warning message is displayed.

4.2. Extra fields

Extra field names specified in the project item configuration are currently not supported in the form.

4.3. Jira relations fields

Jira limits the number of options in the relations fields to 10,000.

Users normally hit that limit with relations like Affected items first. When the 10,001st affected item is created, it will still be selectable in the Ketryx edit item form but not in Jira. When it is selected in Ketryx and then is synced to Jira, this item will be missing in the relation field in Jira. When the item is then edited in Jira, it will be synced back to Ketryx and the item will be gone from the relation field in Ketryx too.

4.4. Custom workflow

Custom workflows are currently not supported in the item form. Only standard states, such as Open, In Progress, Resolved, and Closed can be managed via the form.

To disable item transition, the Allow item transition flag should be set to No in the project item configuration. By default, the Allow item transition flag is enabled. More info on the Advanced project settings.

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